I hate everything in my closet!

I have nothing to wear!

All this stuff is old and tired.

I have too much clothing and I can’t stop buying, yet I have nothing to wear.

I hate the way this looks on me.

Why does the stuff I buy never work out once I get it home.


When this happens, it’s usually because you have a closet full on ‘one – off’s.’  Those pieces that seduced you on the sale rack, on vacation, online. Or, ones your friend talked you into. It’s a bunch of stuff that all came together randomly.

There is no rhyme or reason for your clothes because there was no plan in putting them together.

Before long, you have a closet full of specialty items with no suitable basics as anchor pieces.

This leads to overwhelm, frustration and one bad decision on top of another in your closet. Then, every time you get ready to go somewhere, it turns into a spiral of negative self-talk followed by anxiety as you worry about being late.

No fun!


This is how I provide value to my clients, by starting in your closet to build clarity and confidence. When you are clear, you’re more grounded. You feel like the beautiful powerful woman you are.

Unless you’re allowing your clothing and those things hanging around in your closet to represent the old you. A former version of yourself that no longer fits. It’s tarnishing your sparkle. Making you feel and look dull.

Clarity and confidence begins in your closet. Creating a plan and being intentional about how your wardrobe is put together so you show up looking your best self.

Style is not fluff. It’s a powerful way you can elevate yourself, your wishes, your dreams, even your income!

Want to create an intentional wardrobe that represents the now you? Clothing that is purposeful and outfits you love?

Book my Clear Cull and Create session to:

  • Get your time back. Clarity in your closet saves you hours of agony.
  • Boost your confidence. Step out feeling supercharged and sexy.
  • Save Money. Shop your closet, not the mall.
  • Easily put outfits together from things you already own.
  • Stop the need to shop. Unless, of course, you want to.
  • Get a curated list of what you need, rather than heading out for another frustrating fishing expedition.
  • Get 15-20 new outfits from old items.
  • Have a photo album on your phone so you can find your perfect look anytime you need to get ready.

The Clear Cull and Create Session is currently priced at $450. DM me at leslie@lesliecolestyles.com