When I lived in downtown Chicago, each fall I put together a capsule wardrobe for the coming winter months.

One year, I had purchased a fairly sizable collection of footwear. Doing an inventory at home, I could see I’d overdone it. So, I wistfully boxed up a beautiful pair of brown suede boots and marched down to Michigan Avenue to return them.

In the store, the cheeky clerk opened the box, took one look and cooed. “Oh darling, how can you let these go, you should keep them — treat yourself!”

I said, “believe me, there’ve been plenty of treats this year.”

He snapped the box closed and said, “oh I see, the treats have gone too far!”



There’s a delicate balance to creating and curating a wardrobe. In truth, it’s really never done.

I spent a fortune on clothing every year because I relied on my own judgement. I had to learn the hard way. Trial and error. Overbuying. Purchasing too many duplicates or multiples of the same items. Buying a fluffy designer item with no plan because it was on third markdown. 

I spent hours studying books and watching fashion makeover TV shows, trying to capture my authentic style. It was expensive and often I got it right, but it took a lot of energy and effort.

I’ve always loved fashion and have a sharp eye, but there are so many moving parts to creating a workable and powerful wardrobe. It’s easy to get overwhelmed, even if you love shopping and clothes.  


Finally, I got wise. I started hiring stylists. I watched other women and how they put things together. And, guess what? They employed stylists too.

Once I started hiring stylists, I had a plan. My wardrobe made sense. I had more color and unusual pieces that worked in my closet, not just a bunch of random stuff I got on sale.

I actually saved money by employing stylists.

Salespeople at stores are paid to get you to spend money! Go back and read that again.

Then, review your Amex bill for the past few months. How much have you spent on clothing you never wore or no longer remember?

If it’s more than $450, or if you’re walking out of the house every day with a pile of discards on the bed, we should talk. It’s time to make a serious investment in yourself.

Learn the skills you need to build your wardrobe and take the guesswork out of it.

See yourself as worth it. To create the wardrobe for the woman you truly want to be.

Book my Clear Cull and Create session to:

  • Get your time back. Clarity in your closet saves you hours of agony.
  • Boost your confidence. Step out feeling supercharged and sexy.
  • Save Money. Shop your closet, not the mall.
  • Easily put outfits together from things you already own.
  • Stop the need to shop. Unless, of course, you want to.
  • Get a curated list of what you need, rather than heading out for another frustrating fishing expedition.
  • Get 15-20 new outfits from old items.
  • Have a photo album on your phone so you can find your perfect look anytime you need to get ready.

The Clear Cull and Create Session is currently priced starting at $450. DM me at leslie@lesliecolestyles.com