I know what you’re thinking.
This is what my closet will look like if she comes over, or zooms into it!
Or —
No way! I don’t want anyone seeing my stuff! What if she thinks I’m a hoarder or judges my fourteen pair of black pants?
Or —
Wait! she might think my clothes are awful and they all must be dispensed with! I can’t afford an entire new wardrobe right now.
Look. I get it.
Closet clearing goes way beyond grabbing some jumbo trash bags and giving a bunch of stuff the heave-ho.
There’s mistakes in there. Things that no longer fit. Past loves. Sentimental pieces. There may be garments you wore during a difficult or tragic time. Did you know clothes can hold trauma?
One time, my mother showed me the pair of boots she’d been wearing when she fell on ice and broke her hip. They’d been cut from her leg in the emergency room. Her face got so sad when she pulled the dusty box out from under the bed. Yet, she wouldn’t let them go.
This is the thing with old stored stuff. It carries energy. A closet clear involves emotional energetics. You recall the good times, the boring times, the sad times. All of it.
For that reason, your closet, just like you, demands respect.
I approach each closet during a Clear Cull and Create session with a delicate touch. Those are your friends in there, after all! And, some not so good friends anymore.
Together, we remember them, then let them go to their next home. So we can make your closet a sacred space, not a source of agitation, overwhelm or negative energy.
At the same time, you need new ideas. Fun outfits. An updated style. Combinations you haven’t thought of on your own. After we clear those old loves, we regroup with the keepers and create 15-20 new outfits for you.
We snap photos of each outfit and make an album for your phone. So you always have your style ideas right there with you when you’re getting ready or when you’re at the mall shopping. You’ll be able to easily see what you need or what goes with what.
Speaking of shopping, I also create a custom list for you of items you will need to round out your collection and I provide you with reasonable sourcing so you can shop at your own pace.
After Clear, Cull & Create, you approach your life with renewed energy, confidence, power and a lot less time and struggle whenever you get ready to go somewhere. So you walk in your closet excited and energized and walk out looking like the absolute best version of you.
Want more? Read the post, She’s Got Serious Style, to learn how I helped one of my clients create a unique look over the past several months.
Book my Clear Cull and Create session to:
- Get your time back. Clarity in your closet saves you hours of agony!
- Boost your confidence. Step out feeling supercharged and sexy.
- Save Money. Shop your closet, not the mall.
- Easily put outfits together from things you already own.
- Stop the need to shop. Unless, of course, you want to.
- Get a curated list of what you need, rather than heading out for another frustrating fishing expedition.
- Get 15-20 new outfits from old items.
- Have a photo album on your phone so you can find your perfect look anytime you need to get ready.
The Clear Cull and Create Session is currently priced starting at $450. For deets or to schedule, DM me at leslie@lesliecolestyles.com