Wherever I go, I’m on the lookout for photo opportunities.

Yes, I’m one of those annoying LA types who snatches out my phone at the slightest interesting tableau.

Often, I commandeer someone to take my own photo.


On this particular day, I was traveling to my beloved OC and asked a fresh-faced twenty-year-old guy to snap this image.

My plan was to photograph several versions of the sweater I’m wearing – styled in different ways while on my trip. Then, send them to a friend who is a marketing executive for MERSEA, the company that made the luxuriously roomy cotton cocoon of a garment.

Never happened. I loved that outfit so much I ended up wearing it for the next three days!

It may not have wowed the KC airport crowd and certainly Anna Wintour never alerted her Vogue staff about a trending fashion development in the Midwest, but I was mighty comfortable and I thought, well put together! So, I wore that outfit in slight variations (swap out jeans for shorts) most of the trip.


When I was married, it drove my ex-husband nuts when I went around wearing the same clothes day after day.

Once, on a driving trip through Portugal and Spain, I took a bag small enough to fit into the overhead, stuffed with a capsule wardrobe of fluid, lightweight outfits.

He was none too happy when we had to wait at baggage claim in Madrid for his heavy suitcase, overpacked with stylish ensembles and I turned up every day looking decidedly schlumpy.

The final nail was the afternoon he had to buy me an expensive, old-ladyish mint green cashmere cardi in Coimba, Portugal because I hadn’t calculated the weather quite right and was cold.


Too bad MERSEA wasn’t around back then, because their designs are affordable and very packable.

If you haven’t checked out MERSEA, or noticed them on Insta, give the site a look (link below). Believe it or not, they’re headquartered right here in Kansas City.

MERSEA pieces are crafted in flattering, versatile colors and the soft fabrics launder very well. The designs are oversized, yet chic and wear like iron.

My sweater rolls up into a neat ball in my Vuitton NeverFull or folds into a comfy back cushion to tuck into the seat behind me on planes.

Check out the MERSEA link below. I’m pretty sure if you sign up with your email, you’ll receive a percentage off your first purchase.

Your husband can thank me when he sees how great you look!
