If you follow my Facebook or LinkedIn, (links below) you know I’ve been writing a book called, Corporate Girl Takes a Girl, one woman’s reclamation on a stripper pole and how you can apply pole wisdom to your professional life.

Guess what? It’s done! Or, the initial manuscript, anyway. I finished it while I was in California two weeks ago.

Wait, does’t it take something like five years, sleepless nights, pack after pack of Marlboro’s and loads of chocolate to write a book?

Yes, sometimes it does. And, I’ve already written that book. 


This time, I wanted to do it differently. Easier, freer. Not bogged down in an unending quagmire of days of isolated writing.

In other words, I wanted to have a plan.

So I found a resource called, How to Write Your Novel in Nine Weeks, by Bill Dodds.  (Kindle, $3.99).

What? Nine Weeks?

Yep. You make an outline first. Plot out your narrative, and get busy. Every day, you sit down and write 500 words a day. Then you stop. That’s it.

No nocturnal snacking, no spool of worry about the formidable blank page. None of that. Just 500 words per day.


Producing 500 words a day, making notes for the next day, then stopping? SO. MUCH. EASIER.

I just followed the outline, and my notes and it worked. Nine weeks later, I have a manuscript.



I’ll tell you right now, I don’t have the answers to your questions. Like, when will it be published? How will you publish it? When can I read It? Will it be on Amazon?

I don’t know. I don’t know. I don’t know. Yes, I’d love it to be on Amazon.

Just give me a few weeks to digest the process and regroup. I’m excited you’re excited.


